Journal, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine ,Vol. 25, Number 1-2, January-June, 2024 Contains 80 pages from 1 to 80 (inclusive of all advertisements)

Instructions to Authors

  • Covering letter including copy-right release
  • Undertaking by ALL Authors, as below
  • Three copies of typescript of the article on A-4 size paper
  • CD of the manuscript
  • Name and address of author responsible for correspondence about the manuscript, including highest degree and
    affiliations of each author.
  • Abstract (upto 250 words) along with 3-6 key words
  • Three glossy prints for each illustration (10 cm by 8 cm), appropriately labelled and each illustration is cited in the
    text. Submit the legends on a separate sheet in the manuscript.
  • Check all references for accuracy and completeness. Put references in Vancouver format in numerical order,
    making sure each is cited in the text.
  • Individual ICMJE Conflict of Interest forms filled and signed by each author, separately. The form is available at
    the journal website, www.jiacm.in, under the heading "Author Guidelines"
  • Registration of ALL types of studies (especially clinical trials) in the Clinical Trials Register of India, CTRI -
    available from http://ctri.nic.in/Clinicaltrials/login.php


We, the undersigned, give an undertaking to the following effect with regard to our article titled .........................................................................................................................submitted for publication in the Journal, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine :-

  • The article mentioned above has not been published or submitted to or accepted for publication in any form, in any
    other journal.
  • We also vouchsafe that the authorship of this article will not be contested by anyone whose name(s) is/are not listed
    by us here.
  • We also agree to the authorship of the article in following sequence :-
  • Authors’ Names (in sequence) Email ID Contribution to Paper Signature
    1. All the authors are required to sign this form independently in the sequence given above.
    2. Each author should have generated at least a part of the intellectual content of the paper.
    3. Each author should be able to defend publicly in the scientific community, that intellectual content of the paper for
    which he/she can take responsibility.
    4. No addition/deletion/or any change in the sequence of the authorship will be permissible at a later stage, without
    valid reasons and permission of the Editor
    5. By signing this undertaking, each author also affirms to have read, understood and agreed to the ICMJE and COPE
    guidelines for ethical publishing.